Hitting the Ground Running for Columbia Heights

Dear Neighbor,

My vision in taking on this responsibility is to serve you and our community. I believe that true leadership lies in listening to the hopes and concerns of the people and translating them into meaningful action. This is what I will do for the residents of Columbia Heights.

Columbia Heights is a dynamic and diverse neighborhood, boasting vibrant commercial corridors, a thriving restaurant scene, and cultural attractions that are the envy of the region. Moreover, we are a community of many demographics, from young professionals and budding new families to long-time residents who have seen the neighborhood through years of revitalization.

As Columbia Heights continues to evolve and face its share of challenges, like many other areas of the District, we must advocate for investments in public space and parks, the construction of new mixed-use housing developments, improved public safety that doesn’t sacrifice long-fought decriminalization and rehabilitation efforts, and equitable, reliable transportation and safe streets that breathe new life into our community and set us on a path towards a brighter future.

Columbia Heights is a community unlike any other in the District, and it is with great honor that I take on the responsibility of representing your interests and aspirations for what more it can be. My commitment to you is steadfast, and I am driven by the belief that together, we can create positive change that propels us toward a brighter future.

Renewal, for me, is not just a buzzword; it's a commitment to revitalizing our community from the ground up. Progress demands innovation and adaptability. By embracing new, big, and bold ideas, championing sustainable solutions, and fostering a climate of inclusivity and collaboration, we can foster an environment that empowers everyone to thrive.

Our path to growth and renewal is paved with opportunity. I am dedicated to promoting policies encouraging economic development, job creation, and investment in our local businesses.

Transparency and accountability will be the cornerstones of my work. I firmly believe that open communication with constituents is vital for effective problem-solving. That's why I am committed to providing you with regular updates on my activities, decisions, and the progress we make together to pursue our shared goals.

None of this work is about me – it's about us. It's about empowering you, the residents of our neighborhood and community, to actively participate in shaping, one day at a time, a brighter future for all of us. Your voice matters, and I encourage you to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns with me.

Together, we will face challenges head-on and turn them into opportunities. We will celebrate our successes, learn from our setbacks, and move forward with determination. I believe in the immense potential of Columbia Heights, and I am committed to unlocking it, with you, one step at a time.

Thank you for entrusting me with the privilege to serve you. Together, let's embark on this journey of renewal and growth, working hand in hand to build a brighter, more prosperous, and united Columbia Heights.


Commissioner Anthony Thomas-Davis


Statement Regarding Mayor Bowser’s Comments on Street Vending